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This is a series which aims to show the viewer the power and importance of nature. Each of the pictures within this series approaches nature from different aspects.

The first has at its centre a black hole. Black holes in space are massive and mysterious phenomena, and having that at the centre of this image adds a real element of mystery to the image and to the understanding we all have of nature.

Meanwhile the second and third pictures have human features at their heart. There is a certain feeling of terror, especially with the open mouth. Antonisia said: "I was inspired to create these images by thoughts of the tsunami which afflicted the Far East in 2004 and wanted to connect the human tragedy with the power of the nature that did the damage.

"Personally, I do not play with nature – earth, water, fire or air. I think it is too powerful and has taken too much human life over the years that it is not something to be tampered or played with. I hope you as viewers enjoy the concept and think too about the challenges that such a powerful natural background would provide."

A series showing just how powerful nature can be, and the potentially destructive relationship between humans and nature

Don't play with nature

© 2014 by Antonisia Schroder ASJ Photography. 

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